We recently added a super cute NAME IT print to Indi’s room. Designed in Melbourne by Kate Korber (the creative behind ‘Happy Ella After’), these gorgeous prints not only look amazing but they can help children to learn one of the many important literacy skills required in the early years of schooling – name recognition.

Happy Ella After Prints

With so many styles to choose from, you are bound to find something to compliment your child’s existing decor.

Happy Ella After Prints

We opted opted for the cute trilogy of kawaii style ice-cream cones to match the fun sweet summery feel that has been created in Indi (and Ocea’s) room.

NAME IT PRINTS by Happy Ella After

To help Indi learn to recognise her name we play a little game to see is if she can find her name in her room (nope, that’s a unicorn Indi).

NAME IT prints by HappyEllaAfter

When she finds her name I tell her the individual letters (and the sounds) she has in her name.

Please note, I would never expect Indi to know this but there is no harm in talking about the letters and sounds in her name from an early age.

She also has a personalised pillow and blocks that she plays with to help reinforce name recognition in an informal play based way.

Kids rooms by four cheeky monkeys featuring Happy Ella After's NAME IT prints.

Below is an example of how incredible these prints can look for boys. This room is one of my favourite boy’s room on Instagram by the talented @ejaeandmase featuring two of HappyEllaAfter’s NAME IT prints.

Amazing boy's room by @ejaeandmase

Eleashah of @ejaeandmase has created the perfect example of how to immerse your child in a print rich environment. I could do a whole other blog post on this and how you can utilise these decor items to support and develop other important literacy skills in children.

Awesome boys room by @ejaeandmase featuring two NAME IT prints. A prefect example of to immerse your child with a print rich environment.

There is a wonderful selection of personalised prints in the NAME IT range. You can check them out yourself by clicking on the link below and help your little one on their journey of learning, happily ever after…


Thanks for stopping by,

ness xxx